What type of weather is best for landscape photography?

This is a question I thought I knew the answer to. For several years I believed that there was only one type of suitable weather for the landscape photographer: a mixture of blue sky and scattered clouds. I even had a name for it, ‘Simpsons … read more

My favourite YouTube photography channels

YouTube is an amazing resource for photographers wishing to advance their skills or learn new techniques. There are beginner videos explaining the basics of composition, advanced videos helping seasoned pros perfect their editing, and everything in between. I also find vloggers’ videos useful in giving … read more

Bluebell Woods Photography Tips

It is always a joy to see and photograph a blanket of bluebell flowers in ancient woodland. The vivid blue hue of a sea of “Britain’s favourite flower” creates one of nature’s dazzling spectacles. However, photographing bluebells is not always easy: the tend to grow … read more

Landscape photography misconceptions

When I first started taking pictures I had pre-conceived ideas about what a good landscape picture was, and the best way of capturing them. Over time I began to realise that these were actually landscape photography misconceptions, and were either inaccurate or altogether wrong. These … read more

Insect flight videos

Dr Adrian Smith has filmed a variety of insects taking off and flying for a captivating video recently posted on YouTube. What is special about his video is that it is recorded at 3,200 frames-per-second.

Zoo photography tips

A day at the zoo provides many opportunities to practice different types of photography. It can also present different types of challenges. Here’s a few tips to make the most of a day at the zoo or wildlife centre. Check the zoo’s photography policy Most … read more